Thursday 22 April 2010

Looking at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In my first preliminary task I felt that I could use the software of editing a picture reasonably well, because I work around it every day of my life, In my own opinion I feel that I learnt a lot of new techniques and guides to follow from the internet using tutorials for Photoshop to help me exceed my potential to its maximum, During this stage this helped me develop my music magazine because as you learn new techniques , you find new ways to make your project more viable and you find solutions to problems quite quickly..

Secondly during my first preliminary task the camera I used only had a 3.2 Mega Pixel shot, meaning that my shots seemed to fall short on the quality side of things, they seemed to blur a lot making it harder to tell what was in my pictures and what was going on… my solution to this was to maximise the pixels and image quality by using a new camera, which was 12 Mega Pixels, this helped my image quality drastically meaning that my work now looked more appropriate and professional.

As I set out too design my magazine I set myself a few guidelines that I wanted to be met accordingly these were:

1)      By keeping a modern, but simple effect to my magazine, the more you over-complicate things the harder it is to work with...

2)      Keeping the same colour theme throughout my three pieces of work…

3)      Keeping a tab on the target audience and different social classes, by making sure my magazine fits too all these types of people…

4)      Finally just by enjoying the experience of creating a magazine and working with the software programs that were available too me..

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