Thursday 22 April 2010

1.) In what ways does your media product, use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products..

For my student music magazine I decided to follow the rules and guidelines and stick to the normal conventions of a music magazine...

An example of this would be the main feature photograph would be situated amongst the page making it stand out and being very easily clear to view…

For my final front cover, I decided to use a theme that went well together accordingly these included the colours red, yellow and black and in my own opinion these fit very well, while on the other hand make my music magazine stand out, I felt this was very effective in my final design…

I did a lot of research of existing music magazines and found out that mostly all of them follow the guidelines and conventions of a traditional magazine…

The conventions’ I used in my final piece were:

• Masthead situated at the top of my piece,

• The date and the price easily visible on the page...

• Puff...

• Cover lines…

• Tagline and a website address …

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