Thursday 22 April 2010

Interview Located In my magazine...

Double Page Spread Exclusive Interview... 

Double Paged Spread Changes

     Double Page Spread Changes:-

-          I added in page number to the top right of the page, in order to make them look more authentic, as there are very few magazines in the business which don’t include page numbers. 

-         I managed to add in a lot more questions into the interview, and blow them up into bigger fonts then I originally planned , the main fonts that were edited were the questions so the viewer could define what questions were being answered, which I enjoyed doing because it’s very creative, furthermore it again helped my magazine seem more authentic.

-        There was also a lot of added space underneath the photos, so I decided to add small headlines explaining the history of the artists in my magazine to the readers by using short sharp sentences, then finally decorated them with colours in the same style but using different colours to make them stand out on my page...

Finished Contents Page...

Contents Page Changes:-

Contents Page Changes:-

-        I was fairly happy with the final outcome of my contents page when it eventually pieced itself together, it’s very simple but in my own personnel opinion very effective, the main thing that I had to change was the fonts that I used mainly due to the fact that they weren’t very visible and clear, this was changed to a much bolder font which was then edited using image properties on Adobe Photoshop, the colour scheme has been used throughout my work and had to be included in the contents page otherwise my work would look out of place and wouldn’t follow the conventions and guidelines that I had set…
Looking at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In my first preliminary task I felt that I could use the software of editing a picture reasonably well, because I work around it every day of my life, In my own opinion I feel that I learnt a lot of new techniques and guides to follow from the internet using tutorials for Photoshop to help me exceed my potential to its maximum, During this stage this helped me develop my music magazine because as you learn new techniques , you find new ways to make your project more viable and you find solutions to problems quite quickly..

Secondly during my first preliminary task the camera I used only had a 3.2 Mega Pixel shot, meaning that my shots seemed to fall short on the quality side of things, they seemed to blur a lot making it harder to tell what was in my pictures and what was going on… my solution to this was to maximise the pixels and image quality by using a new camera, which was 12 Mega Pixels, this helped my image quality drastically meaning that my work now looked more appropriate and professional.

As I set out too design my magazine I set myself a few guidelines that I wanted to be met accordingly these were:

1)      By keeping a modern, but simple effect to my magazine, the more you over-complicate things the harder it is to work with...

2)      Keeping the same colour theme throughout my three pieces of work…

3)      Keeping a tab on the target audience and different social classes, by making sure my magazine fits too all these types of people…

4)      Finally just by enjoying the experience of creating a magazine and working with the software programs that were available too me..
5) What have you learnt about technologies in this project...?

• I am a very keen learner and are really into graphics and ICT systems therefore me working with Photoshop is very easy, I like to challenge myself regularly and try new things to make my work and projects stand out, I learn’t a few things but not more that I imagined because I knew quite a bit about the software already because I work with it for my job therefore making it very easy to describe and help other people if they were stuck with their projects…

• I used a 12 mega pixel camera for my project which helped produce very clear and visible images which were then imported onto the internet and downloaded via a share website , saved as a jpeg file and then imported it photoshop where it can be edited accordingly to my own liking, so that it suits my own magazine ...

I used a variety of tools in photoshop and this helped me gain the visual effect I  wanted in my magzine, these are a few that I used...

  1. Magic Wand - To extract uneccessary space in the image making the image stand out amongst the page, this can be used by selecting the space and pressing delete on your keyboard...

  1. Eraser Tool- This again is one other way to remove excess space and is very similar to the wand, this makes sure that this very roundable and bold, after this process this can be edited via imagve properties..

  1. The marquee tools help highlight a selected part of the image which can then be edited for your own purpose...
In my own opinion I have learn't a reasonable amount about photoshop but not much than I already knew , seeing as this is a photo editing piece of software its very simple to use and applies a very great affect to your work ,  lastly this piece of software helped me alot otherwise the process of the magazine would be very hard to create and publish...
4) How did you attract / address your audience?

In my questionnaire, I found out that my audience wanted to see more tour information, interviews and more information in my magazine, therefore in my contents page I have included all of this ,

I made sure my music magazine appealed to both different types of sex and therefore made it more appropriate for both male and female, which is why I changed the theme of my product making sure it fits both different types of people an example would be the colours I used , red, yellow and black..

On my front cover I used the puff “Hottest Trance magazine this decade” to help promote sales and increase profit the headline entices people to buy my magazine or consider purchasing it …
3) Who would be the audience for your media product and why...?

My Magazine represents’ teenagers and that anybody with an interest in this type of music genre will especially have a good chance of buying it, in my own opinion I have followed the guidelines of a trance affect which has been applied throughout my work...

It represents both male and female types, which is why I mixed the colours so that it suited both types of people, still making sure it appealed to many people…

I decided to make my magazine two pound seventy nine, because in comparison with other magazines this is relatively cheap and this entwines with my research and it’s aimed more at my target of audience and social types …

In my questionnaire results more than 45% said they would pay between 2 pounds and 3…
2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My Magazine represents’ teenagers and that anybody with an interest in this type of music genre will especially have a good chance of buying it, in my own opinion I have followed the guidelines of a trance affect which has been applied throughout my work...

It represents both male and female types, which is why I mixed the colours so that it suited both types of people, still making sure it appealed to many people…

My magazine is aimed at all different social classes, meaning that it’s easier to afford and also affects where the distribution of my magazine would be easier because of the target audience it’s aimed at...

My masthead “ Revolution “ is very modern, quirky , and bold making it fit its purpose very well therefore relating to my music magazine very well..
1.) In what ways does your media product, use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products..

For my student music magazine I decided to follow the rules and guidelines and stick to the normal conventions of a music magazine...

An example of this would be the main feature photograph would be situated amongst the page making it stand out and being very easily clear to view…

For my final front cover, I decided to use a theme that went well together accordingly these included the colours red, yellow and black and in my own opinion these fit very well, while on the other hand make my music magazine stand out, I felt this was very effective in my final design…

I did a lot of research of existing music magazines and found out that mostly all of them follow the guidelines and conventions of a traditional magazine…

The conventions’ I used in my final piece were:

• Masthead situated at the top of my piece,

• The date and the price easily visible on the page...

• Puff...

• Cover lines…

• Tagline and a website address …