Friday 11 December 2009

Research 2

Competitor Magazines Research 2

In the following pages I’m going to conclude magazines by looking at their features and comparing them to others through the variation of the connotations and denotations that are most noticeable.

Vibe magazine has a feature article photograph to provide the buyer of the magazine what can be expected in the magazine should the customer decide to purchase this magazine, the feature article photograph used in the image on the right hand side of the screen is of
The Musical Artist sensation USHER, Vibe have used Usher as their main image because an image of a celebrity can help promote the status of the magazine which will lead to more sales meaning more profit, one way to include Usher into this magazine would be to create a Main Article about a probable upcoming tour or Gig or just a general interview.
The colours we see on the front cover follow a very eccentric theme to promote the magazine the colours we see on the right help make the magazine stand out because the colour blue is very fancy and is a noticeable colour , the red located at the bottom left of the cover blends in with the white so it helps justify its cover line and give the reader a reason to view the sub article within the magazine.

Urban Network:-
Urban Magazine follows the same convention as vibe this time by using G -Unit as a magazine promoter by including them in with a interview or a album promotion again meaning that Urban Network will gain an advantage over other rival magazines when customers see these Artists they assume that should the magazine have a big band included into their Magazine it will be a good read or an enjoyable viewing.

The theme we see in Urban Network seems very metallic and bold, the use of the colour yellow helps fit in with the conventions making the cover seem very attractive and willing to attract attention in this edition of this magazine a celebrity band and a colour scheme to contrast in with the article photograph will appeal to the targeted audience.

The type of audience that would read this magazine would be Urban Hip Hop fans, as we can see this magazine clearly shows its targeted audience through the music genre of G-Unit.

The Music Magazine XXL follows the previous magazines conventions portraying the main celebrity through a main image along with a predicted article or interview inside the magazine, we can expect this magazine to include the promotion of a new album or tour, the Icon we see in this magazine is JAY-Z, He is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America, having a net worth of over $150 million, selling over 30 million copies of his albums in the United States alone and receiving several Grammy Awards for his musical work.

The Colour Scheme we see in this issue of XXL (Red, White, Grey and Black) helps define and situate the main image from the scheme, this creates the effect of a spotlight so we instantly attracted to the main image helping the company promote sales.

The font we see is bold and Italic especially the name JAY-Z because it defines itself from the other types of fonts we see on the page, the main reason magazines are layered out like this is to endorse the sales of this issue.

The Magazine VIBE has a distinct magazine layout within its own brand we can see this through a variety of the same magazines with different layouts, but they all have the same conventions an example of this would be Chris Brown VIBE and Akon VIBE Magazine below, if you look at both magazines the look roughly the same but with different colour schemes and less cover lines.

VIBE promotes its magazine through the use of its main image, because the promotion using a celebrity is proved to boost sales because he is an icon to musical fans and is judged as a celebrity his recent problem with his marriage may have caught the media’s attention.

Second Vibe Magazine:-
This second Vibe magazine is being used to determine if there is any similarities’ between the two magazines, to see if the publishing company use the same conventions over and over again through different issues, we can see that this very true because the VIBE font is the same, because that’s what defines it from other rival magazines, and we can see they use a similar layout along with the theme, the cover lines are situated in the same position on the right hand side of the page, and the mastheads include the artists name, meaning that its used to entice readers.

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